Thursday, December 2, 2010

What's Playing Tonight In The Heights?

Looks like it's "Forever, Darling"... probably in its first run at the Crest Theatre; starring Desi Arnaz and Lucille Ball. My guess is that Lucy's name is on the other side of the marquee, but that's only a guess. The film also starred James Mason. The movie was released in 1956; judging by the foliage on the trees, looks like spring/summertime. I've always been intrigued about the concept of a movie theatre in Peoria Heights. It was obviously on the small side, but looks to have been a rather nicely constructed building, with a good deal of character.

It was located right where Heights Flowers is now. I don't see the SavALot building in the background, so apparently it wasn't built yet... or, the photo is just a bad angle. Long-time Heights residents (IF they ever check into this blog) might be able to illuminate that fact. I've spoken to a number of folks who remember the Crest, and they all remember it quite fondly. This is the only photo I've located of the Crest... if there are any more out there, I know we'd all love to see them. Any shots of the interior would be a HUGE bonus.

Even though Poison Pen swears that I have no interest in Peoria Heights history, I've always had an interest in the same; also in Peoria and the surrounding areas. So many great, grand buildings are long gone; often with nothing even close to appearance in their places.

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