Wednesday, June 16, 2010

IDOT Meeting Shenanigans

I had a meeting this morning with the IDOT Secretary, Mr. Gary Hannig. There were about 6 other IDOT pros with him.

That should have been my first clue.

My second clue was when Mr. Hannig stated that maybe we should increase the speed limit along Galena Road to 50 MPH, since so many cars speed there already. Then, some tall IDOT dude began tossing "studies" at me, just like they've been tossed at me before. In other words, they had no intention, whatsoever, to listen to me, let alone consider what I was saying.

It fell apart from there. I did something I thought I would never do... I walked out of the meeting.

I've nothing to add to this. I've done all that I could. I will check with our Village Attorney and see if it is possible to sue IDOT (seriously); and will take it to the Board if the answer is in the affirmative.

It's pretty clear that unless our elected officials are wanting to help us out on this, it will not happen. Senator Koehler was invited to the meeting; he did not show. I requested that Senator Risinger and Rep. Leitch appear and show support; I did not receive a reply from either. Rep. Gordon set up the meeting, but it was apparent that her heart wasn't in this fight. And, when I had sent a letter to the Governor, the only thing he did was forward it over to IDOT, so that they could fire off more "studies" to me.

I guess all of us living along and off of Galena Road are just whiners and have no idea what we're talking about. At least, that's what IDOT thinks, and in Illinois, that's all that matters.
