Friday, November 20, 2009

Peoples Party Hierarchy Still At It

I spoke with a friend of mine the other day, and he advised that he had been talking to a gentleman (who is not in the political "game") at a Heights public establishment... and that the gentleman told him, "You know, they bought that new police building for THREE times more than it's worth."

Well, they're still flailing away. Who is "they"? Why, the Peoples Party hierarchy, of course. The small gang that doesn't want ANYTHING positive happening in Peoria Heights while Uncle Earl is away from the "controls." I hate to rain on their parade again, but here goes...

The building that was purchased for the Police Department was APPRAISED at $500,000.00 by our appraiser. It was APPRAISED at $510,000.00 by the appraiser chosen by the former owner of the building. It was PURCHASED for $495,000.00; with terms of payment over 5 years, without any interest (yes, Earl... it is STILL without interest). So, the building was purchased for LESS than its appraised value.

Now, the County assessor had the building assessed at $260,000.00 or something like that. But, that's the County assessor, and it probably had not been substantially changed since the mid 80s. There's a laundry list about 26 miles long as to the problems that the assessor runs into with properties in Peoria County... so, I don't know if it was a Richwoods Township assessor who had it at that figure, or if it was a county official who came up with it, but we have no control over it. An assessment is an assessment... an appraisal is an appraisal. Ask a bank lending official which one they need before they make a property loan... and, here's a hint... it's NOT the assessed value.

This is how the People Party hierarchy operates, of course. Weaving in and out, dropping "nuggets" of their "half-truths, innuendos, and outright lies" for the population to hear... hoping that pieces of their tomfoolery will stick somewhere. It's a year and half till the next local election. I'm sure this is just the beginning.

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