Sunday, February 1, 2009

"Finish Out" of the Basement at Village Hall

Roughly 1/2 of the basement at Village Hall is presently under construction; which will be providing a "day room," bathrooms and showers; and bunk rooms for the 24/7 Ambulance service and Volunteer Firepeople/Ambulance Service workers.

Providing 24/7 ambulance service was a huge step taken in Peoria Heights, but it was one that had to be taken. It was becoming increasingly more difficult to attract volunteers to "man the posts" for the ambulance service; particularly during the 7 a.m. - 5 p.m. time frame. Why? Because most people are working during that time, and the 3rd shift worker (particularly at Caterpillar and the defunct Pabst plant) has mostly disappeared. So, we were left in a quandry. To continue with our volunteer fire service, we really needed to have a fully staffed ambulance service, as well.

We started out with a 12 hour shift of paid ambulance staff; and after some time with that being successful, we continued with a 24 hour, 7 day a week paid staff. It has made a huge difference for the better in the services available for our residents. We are able to make immediate steps towards the person(s) in need of medical help now.

However, with this 24/7 service, we also needed an upgrade in the area where our volunteers and paid service people can wait for calls; get some sleep, if needed; shower when necessary; etc. There had been virtually no upgrade work in the basement at Village Hall ever, so we were starting from scratch with a shell of a basement, in the 1/2 area needed.

We really cannot thank our volunteers enough. It is hard and demanding work. Even with a paid 24/7 ambulance service, we still need the volunteers for not only the Fire Department, but also for the ambulance service, in case two calls ever come in around the same time. We thank Fire Chief Norm Reichert and Ambulance Service Supervisor Kenny Martin for all of the long hours and dedication to put into their jobs.

Future upgrades will be needed for the Fire Department, as the fire bays at Village Hall barely provide room for the volunteers to move between the equipment. The steps we are taking now (moving the police to a different building; finishing out the first half of the basement) will allow us to address that issue sooner, rather than later. When that is completed, we should be set for many, many years to come regarding the facilities for all of our services; and that will be a major accomplishment for this administration.

1 comment:

  1. It's projects like these that benefit the entire community the reason to give pause and thanks for those who make this happen. I imagine the 2nd half of the Village basement will eventually be something as beneficial...not discounting open space if that's whats needed. And, pleased to read about future upgrades with the Fire Department. With you at the helm, Mayor Mark, your administration continues to prosper. May you continue and thank you for all your hard work!
